This is Africa!

This is Africa!

That was the thought in my head as we landed at Rabat Sale airport. But the view from the large glass windows of the airport almost surprised me.  The light, the trees, the people...I almost felt like I had landed in Delhi.  Driving through the city and seeing homes with flat roofs and rectangular windows, grass covered traffic circles with flowers, some washing hanging out, people milling around...gave me that Delhi feeling again!

Morocco is a Muslim country.  The desk in my room has an arrow indicating the direction to Mecca.  A faint cry of Allah-ho-Akbar rises above the city traffic outside my hotel window.  Women choose to wear the hijab in a variety of layers from all covered with just the eyes peeping out, to no head covering at all.  A walk by the riverfront gave us a small glimpse of the Moroccan way of life - street vendors, families together, young men singing, flute music on a boat.

In the evening, we were treated to hot sugared mint tea served in small glasses!  Brewed in a silver pot and poured from a height for maximum effect, it had the same satisfying feeling as Indian tea. However, Moroccan tea has no milk, just mint for a fresh flavor. Along with almond cookies, it certainly hit the spot! Dinner was on a boat "Le Dhow", on the beautiful river Bukarek which reaches right into the Atlantic ocean. 


  1. Mint and tea is such a strange sounding combination to me. And it's served in glasses?!


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