
Showing posts from October, 2019

Measuring the waters of Nahr El Nil

The Nilometer         Descend down the steps of the Nilometer, and you're penetrating  layers of  history. As the name suggests, the Nilometer was used to measure the floodwaters of the river.  Now, no longer in use, it is the oldest monument in Cairo that survives in its original form. Carefully, gingerly, I place my feet on the worn stone of this architectural marvel. I reach the base, and gaze into the flood gates, now empty and dry, no longer functional.  But just a few years ago, they determined seasonal changes, water levels, harvest predictions and tax amounts.  That's almost everything that affected the lives of ancient Egyptians - water, food, money and the weather.  The Architect - notice the compass in his hand The marvelous graduated Corinthian column       Designed by Abu’l ‘Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farqhani, a native of Farghana, West Turkestan, the Nilometer is an elegant combination of art and science.  As in any